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The PTO sponsors a Valentines's Day themed dance, which gives parents, grandparents and others the opportunity to enjoy a nice evening together.  We need chaperones to help monitor the children (and adults), food sales, organizers, registration desk workers. Please sign up today.




Annually, the PTO sells Spirit Wear for our Woodsdale families. Each year, a new design, and often color choices, is created so that Spirit Wear doesn't all look the same. In the past, Spirit Wear has included shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.



Our students, and community, look forward to our annual Spring Carnival as a way to close out the school year. We need items donated, volunteers to work the booths, ticket sales, set-up/tear-down, and so much more.  Join the carnival committe and join in one of our funnest events of the year.


The PTO Officers and Members are always looking for new ways to raise money. Join the PTO - and more importantly - become an active member by attending meetings, becoming a chair (or co-chair) or a committee member and bring your ideas to the table.

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